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Static Data Warehouse using SQLite and Metabase

Does a data warehouse need to be costly? Maybe not. A quick note on using SQLite combined with Metabase to host and exploit a static SQL database easily and cheaply. This use-case is especially true for small data applications.

Technical Details#

Once an ETL pipeline is done building an SQLite database data.db, let's say using Git Scraping, one can start a small Docker Compose stack to configure Metabase, build visualizations and dashboards:

version: '3'

    image: metabase/metabase:v0.38.3
      - ./metabase.db:/metabase-data/metabase.db
      - ./data.db:/metabase-data/data.db
      - '3000:3000'

To be able to deploy Metabase as a Docker container on all cloud platforms, the web server port needs to be dynamically configured from an environment variable named PORT. This is not the case with the default Docker image of Metabase, hence the following entrypoint script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

if [ "$PORT" ]; then
    export MB_JETTY_PORT="$PORT"

exec /app/

When all the pieces are put together (SQLite database data.db, Metabase H2 database metabase.db, custom entrypoint, one can build a Docker image:

FROM metabase/metabase:v0.38.3

COPY metabase.db /metabase-data/metabase.db
COPY data.db /metabase-data/data.db
COPY bin/ /app/

CMD ["/app/"]

You can now deploy your static data warehouse anywhere a Docker container is accepted (e.g. Heroku, Google Cloud Run).

Cherry on top: everything can be versioned and automated using Git!